Wednesday 28 November 2012

Task 4 dreamweaver hyperlink


This is my link to my dreamweaver that I have made and this is not finished yet also is not as good as you may think.

Task 6 reflection

Task 6 Rubric reflection

The rubric was kind of difficult because I didn’t know what questions that I should make.

Task 5 reflection

Task 5
 About task 3 Reflection
I thought that was how I was supposed to do it. It was fun posting pages on my blog and enjoyed it. Task 3 was a little confusing. Although I tried my best and finished it.

Task 4 reflection

Task 4 reflection

I could have finished my Dreamweaver and put more effort in it but I should have finished it although I didn’t have Dreamweaver downloaded on my laptop and I should have downloaded it by now.

Task 3 reflection

Task 3 reflection

I couldn’t really understand task 3 because I wasn’t really sure how I was supposed to do it. I could have asked the teacher to help me. To improve more on task 3 I need to 

Task 2 reflection

Investigation 2 reflection

Investigation 2 was quite easy than task 1 because it took a long time to get information for task 1. Although task 2 took me few minutes. Also I could have added a little more information and also some images to attract audience

Task 1 reflection

Investigation 1 Reflection

Task 1 was quite easy except for finding some of the information from the website because I couldn't understand some of the information that I had to find in the given website. I had to do however I think that I well in investigation.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Reflection on lesson


Task 7

  1. We planned about task 7 which we were supposed to create designs that we can use and show other people.
  2. Next we had to plan some work and we are going to bring a video or digital camera and create something. 

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Task 6

Rubric made in

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Task 5

Task 3 Reflection

I thought that was how I was supposed to do it. It was fun posting pages on my blog and enjoyed it. Task 3 was a little confusing. Although I tried my best and finished it.