Sunday, 3 March 2013

Planning For Tech Fair 2013

For the 2013 Tech fair

I will try making either two of these stuff.

  1. A Fan made out of recyclable CD's.
In this project I will need: CD's, USB cable, Computer, toilet paper roll craft, small engine and cork

Advantages: I will be quite easy to make

Disadvantages: Not sure how to find the equipments

2. A Rubik cube speaker 

Veho VSS-006-360BT Bluetooth Wireless Speaker,2x2x2 Rubik's Cube, Paint, Sanding paper, Wood glue, Wood filler, 1.5 mm high quality play wood, SolderWire, Stickers,Strong glue, Laser cutter, Soldering iron, Pliers, Small Phillips head screwdriver and Hot glue gun

Advantages: I think it is very simple to make.

Disadvantages: Will need help from a elder because the work is too dangerous for children to work on.

1 comment:

  1. Dude
    you seem to know what you are doing and i find it amusing and cool i hoped to have seen you in the techfair! but apperently i was a bit too busy :'( , it seemed like a really good idea but maybe try to improve! just remember practise makes perfecrt
    ~NOUR :3
